Welcome to my Blog!
I want to welcome you to my blog and introduce myself! I am Dr Jess Warzecka and I am a Naturopathic Doctor. Beyond my career, I am a lover of Jesus, an outdoor hiking enthusiast, I love to travel and go on mission trips, retreats and spend time with my friends and family. I want to share about my journey to Naturopathic medicine and why I am so passionate about it!
Since I was a young girl, I wanted to work in the medical field, but originally as an anesthesiologist or Emergency medicine doctor. I was interested in the fast-pace, intense and high prestige. When I was in high school, my dad was diagnosed with sarcoidosis and started seeing some natural medicine practitioners from Montana. They recommended many lung-supportive herbs and told him to remove dairy from his diet. He healed from sarcoidosis and has not had any problems with his lungs since then. This was the start of my family starting to make dietary changes for our health. I did not start taking my own health seriously until later when I became quite sick, but that’s a story for a later time. I started shadowing at several clinics during college and one of the clinics I went to was a naturopathic clinic, where I heard NDs talking about diet changes, specific types of milk to drink, particular products and lotions to use for your skin, and all different mineral deficiencies to be corrected in different health conditions. At the time, a lot of this went over my head, but I was fascinated. At the time, I was studying pre-med and it was against the norm to go anywhere but conventional medical school, so I stayed on track, got a job working in the ICU at a hospital in North Dakota and studied for the MCAT. It was extremely hard though, and my heart was not in it. I met up with one of my dear friends and mentors, an ND from the clinic I shadowed at and told her that I was feeling conflicted between what I saw in the ICU- people coming out of open heart surgery being fed hamburgers and how this just didnt seem right and she told me that it would be too hard going to conventional medical school, knowing what I know about nutrition and already having the awareness, she said I would find myself very frustrated if I went down that path. I made a promise to myself that if I got a 520 (very high score) that I would apply for Mayo and likely get in, but if I scored less than this, I would go to ND school. So I get my MCAT score back and it was not 520 go figure, so I applied to Bastyr, went out to interview, loved it and was accepted never to look back.